I said it, I said it again
Wednesday, May 5, 2010 / 4:05 PM

i'm running out of time to do anything and slowly, really slowly i'm starting to freak out. That's a bad thing to do right now, I should pull myself together and finally start doing something. Today i'm completely in love with Blue Foundation. (thanks to G & D ) I've started a Chuck/Blair video to one of the songs by this band, the one called "Bonfires" you might know it, you might not know it, i'll post a download link soon :)

song of the day : as i moved on - blue foundation
today i feel
dizzy in my head
Monday, May 3, 2010 / 11:19 PM
i'm being crazy, face it. I kinda updated my tees business today even though I planned to study English whole day, Gosh there's so much stuff to worry about, biology, Spanish , Physics, . . . I just want to lay back down. . . this life is totally not my piece of cake, after all i'm just a stupid teenager who wants to go to NY.
I'm afraid my dream is slowly drifting away, this is all so unfair! one of my real life friends from school is going on an English course to Miami this summer. why not me? why not me? ;x
song of the moment : smile - uncle kracker

today i feel
a girl with a wicked mind
/ 12:04 PM

hey sweethearts! good news today, actually, last night i checked on mysoti.com after a long time not using it, and i found out two of my projects got sold!
i'm really happy cause that means few euro/dollars after all.
you can see my tees here :
feel free to purcharse or request a design you'd like to see there.
good girls burn in miami
Sunday, May 2, 2010 / 7:14 PM

hey guys! i'm writing here again cause I really want to upgrade the site as much as possible! i'm afraid i'm not enough to do it myself, so i need your creative ideas.
a) ideas of what you want to see here.
b) person who wants to help me out with organisation, layout, updating colorings, organising other stuff and hopefully adding something by themselves
today i feel
long time no see.
Saturday, May 1, 2010 / 11:37 PM
Sorry I haven't been online lately. School's been overwhelming as well as the idea of me not being able to attent the NYC course. Once I got banned on Google, I lost the only way of earning money I could think of. Well there's always neobux left, but that won't be enough. Any suggestions?
You're probably wondering why I deleted few sections here on the site, well it's because I got few emails from google & blogspot saying that my page contains copyrighted stuff. I got scared, cause I didn't want to go to jail or pay somebody. I decided to keep my colorings and few other things, we'll see what will come next. I'm sorry guys.
Please register at neobux & click :)