Tuesday, March 30, 2010 / 4:14 PM
my ripping settings. the cost of this English course might be bigger than I thought, that makes me even more obsessed about finding a job :( i have no idea how i can get money, gosh this is being so annoying , seriously! :(
A dream, right?
Sunday, March 28, 2010 / 5:41 PM
Lucas: It's just a dream, right?
Peyton: It's my dream.
cause it's my dream and when i close my eyes, I can almost believe it's true. Like I'm the one to make it happen. we're weak and sometimes we get lost along the way. who's to say, there's any limit, any possibility. Who's supposed to live my life, if not me?
Hey ho, let's go!
/ 10:31 AM
hello sweethearts! I just wanted to inform you that I've saved around 369 EUR (in total on my real life bank account) Like I said, NY is really expensive, but I really hope for it! :) Feel free to request things in "COMMENT" :)
Lovers in Japan
Saturday, March 27, 2010 / 10:13 AM
hey guys! haha I'm being pretty annoying lately, right? I just love having a blog, that's it! Today's at 3pm I'm going to Ri's place. We don't actually have any special plans or anything, i'm gonna look what's in the cinema today. Last night I watched
Kickboxer and later
Total Recall with Arnold Schwarzenegger. <3 I love watching such movies at1am. I love TR but my favourite is still
The Running Man, ohhh or
True Lies!(this one is hilarious!) God, I'm such a big A.S. fan! I remember watching
Last Action Hero ,
Terminator or Commando! Ok, stop it Caddy!
ok, also yesterday I won advertising for 3 months at
I love reading your comments, requests at "COMMENT" section, so please don't stop posting! :)
VideoOscars & News
Friday, March 26, 2010 / 11:45 PM
hello! I'm feeling all weird today, maybe it's because I pick at my food, but it's pretty typical for me, or I'm just super tired cause my school is being horrible. I want to go to sleep but on the other hand I can't wait for you guys to see my new video! YEES, NEW VIDEO <3 I kinda edited it in 1,5h , so please don't expect anything special, just random caddy-stuff. I'll keep you updated with my saving plan and for now I'll just finish watching
Kickboxer on tv . Love you!
P.S I got nominated in Video Oscars : Best coloring on a video category, too bad instead of my video in the nominees video posted on main channel of the contest, there is blackness. I kinda think that should be fixed by the judges, cause it reduces my chances (if i even had them).
link to the contest video :
Thursday, March 25, 2010 / 6:15 PM
helly guys! welcome a new springish layout! customizing it was a real hell xD so you'd better enjoy it. I changed the picture cause I didn't like it at all. Now it's featured by Brittany Murphy <3
last night I hit Coldplay's store and found a tee I'd always dreamed of! hahaha too bad it's designed for men, caddy can wear it too! :)Isn't it just amazing? it's only $19.95, kinda not my size (male's XL) but I can always put on weight xD Everything for my favourite band, seriously, lately i've been colplay-hypnotized, listening to "a rush of blood to the head" over and over . Saving for NY is doing quite good, mostly because of you and your precious *cough* you know what :) I'll try to keep you updated with how far i am with the money. <3
Wednesday, March 24, 2010 / 6:44 PM
my usual project settings :
/ 6:26 AM
Tuesday, March 23, 2010 / 2:33 PM
I've just found out, the total price of this English course in NY i wanted to attend excludes the flight's price! how annoying is that? They obviously think that if I can afford course for 2,770$ I wouldn't mind few hundreds more ;/ Well I would! I've got 526 days to earn this money. I don't even bother asking my parents for it. "It's too much, forget about it" it's all i'm hearing.
rendering settings
Sunday, March 21, 2010 / 3:31 PM
asked me about my rendering settings, since i'm being so nice lately, I thought "why not?"
some news
/ 11:20 AM
I remember how sb asked me if they could make gifs of my all we are prodigal video , that was cute.

hey peeps! I'm so damn excited by the fact that you like my site! Actually, who wouldn't like getting my colorings for free. XD Some of you asked me for PRODIGAL coloring, well be patient, i've got whole plan of tutorials and sure I'll be revealing PRODIGAL secret in future, but not now. Keep clicking. :)
Last night I've been lying in my bed and basically I was thinking about my future. Cheesy, I know. I don't want to be stuck in Poland, I want to do SOMETHING! I think that's why i'm even into this neobux, lokerz etc things.Staying idle is the worst thing I could do right now.
Also, you know you can COMMENT here right? just click on the link with this name (right, top corner). Ohhh btw, I'm currently using flock browser and from what Anto told me , the layout is completely screwed in IE browser. I'm sorry guys! I guess you need to survive some ugliness!
love you, Caddy
Saturday, March 20, 2010 / 2:26 PM

The first thing i was actually willing to write about it neobux. Many people doubt the fast that it really works. Well to be honest it really does. I'm not saying that you will earn 200$ a month, but you will earn SOMETHING!
today i got my second payment from neobux. I got it in few seconds after requesting! You don't need to have bank account or credit card to use neobux. You just need a "private" paypal account. I'd be happy to help you out if you had any questions. Just leave a comment or contact me on twitter/facebook/youtube. Register, then click on your daily ads each day! also every day you get lots of bonuses so visit the site often :)