helly guys! welcome a new springish layout! customizing it was a real hell xD so you'd better enjoy it. I changed the picture cause I didn't like it at all. Now it's featured by Brittany Murphy <3
last night I hit Coldplay's store and found a tee I'd always dreamed of! hahaha too bad it's designed for men, caddy can wear it too! :)Isn't it just amazing? it's only $19.95, kinda not my size (male's XL) but I can always put on weight xD Everything for my favourite band, seriously, lately i've been colplay-hypnotized, listening to "a rush of blood to the head" over and over . Saving for NY is doing quite good, mostly because of you and your precious *cough* you know what :) I'll try to keep you updated with how far i am with the money. <3