I remember how sb asked me if they could make gifs of my all we are prodigal video , that was cute.

hey peeps! I'm so damn excited by the fact that you like my site! Actually, who wouldn't like getting my colorings for free. XD Some of you asked me for PRODIGAL coloring, well be patient, i've got whole plan of tutorials and sure I'll be revealing PRODIGAL secret in future, but not now. Keep clicking. :)
Last night I've been lying in my bed and basically I was thinking about my future. Cheesy, I know. I don't want to be stuck in Poland, I want to do SOMETHING! I think that's why i'm even into this neobux, lokerz etc things.Staying idle is the worst thing I could do right now.
Also, you know you can COMMENT here right? just click on the link with this name (right, top corner). Ohhh btw, I'm currently using flock browser and from what Anto told me , the layout is completely screwed in IE browser. I'm sorry guys! I guess you need to survive some ugliness!
love you, Caddy